Our Research

For the most up-to-date examples of our research, check out our Publications page.

For a sample of some of our many projects, keep reading!

Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) as Heterogeneous Catalysts and Supports

Precision Oxide Supports and Catalysts

Overcoating Metal Oxides for Shape Selectivity and Metal Nanoparticle Stabilization

Selective Ring-Opening Catalysis with Molecular Lewis Acid Catalysts (with Dow)

Tandem Orthogonal Catalytic Systems (with Prof. Gray and Prof. Wells)

Well-defined metal sulfides (and oxides!) for dehydrogenation

Supported copper oxide as a new catalyst for oxidative dehydrogenation

  • We are also learning to understand support effects via Lewis acidity dye probes.
  • At low loadings, it is an active material for oxidative dehydrogenation with significant support effects and differences from other supported oxides
  • Supported copper oxide is often inactive or is prone to complete reduction to metal at high loadings

SiO2 deposition on metal oxides to tune solid acid behavior

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